admin add <playerID> <permission level> | n/a | Used to add a player to the admin list with the desired permission level. |
admin remove <playerID> | n/a | Used to remove a player from the admin list. |
admin update <playerID> <permission level> | n/a | Used to update a players admin permission level. |
aiddebug | n/a | Toggles AIDirector debug output. |
ban <playerID> <timeframe> | n/a | Bans a player from the game for the timeframe selected, allowed timeframes are minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. e.g "ban 175 10 hours" would apply a 10 hour ban to the playerID 175. |
chunkcache | cc | Shows all loaded chunks in the cache. |
clear | n/a | clears the command console |
cp add <permission level> | n/a | Used to add a command to the command permission list, with the desired permission level. |
cp remove <command> | n/a | Used to remove a command from the command permission list. |
cp update <command> <permission level> | n/a | Used to update a commands permission level. |
debugmenu [on/off] | dm | Toggles debug menu on or off. |
enablescope <on/off> | es | Toggle debug scope. |
gameover | go | Set the games state to GameOver. |
kick <playerID> [reason] | n/a | Kicks a player from the game, reason is optional. |
listents | le | Lists all entities currently in game. |
listplayers | lp | Lists all players currently online. |
listthreads | lt | Lists all server threads. |
mem | n/a | Prints memory information and calls garbage collector. |
mod add <playerID> <permission level> | n/a | Used to add a player to the moderator list with the desired permission level. |
mod remove <playerID> | n/a | Used to remove a player from the moderator list. |
mod update <playerID> <permission level> | n/a | Used to update a players moderator permission level. |
say <message> | n/a | Sends a server message to all connected clients. |
settime | st | Sets the current world time. Hour notation is military time * 1000 (1000 = 1 hour). eg. 0 = Day 1, 8h; 8000 = Day 1, 16h; 16000 = Day 2, 0h; 24000 = Day 2, 08h |
sounddebug | n/a | Toggles SoundManager debug output. |
saveworld | sa | Saves the 7 Days to Die Server world manually. |
setgamepref | sg | Shows a list of preferences that can be changed using the console. |
setgamepref <preference> <value> | sg <preference> <value> | This will change the chosen preference to value selected. |
showchunkdata | sc | Shows some data relating to the current chunk. |
shownexthordetime | n/a | Displays the wandering horde time. |
shutdown | n/a | Shuts the game down. |
spawnairdrop | n/a | Spawns an air drop. |
spawnentity | se | Shows a list of entities that can be spawned. |
spawnentity <playerID> <entityID> | se <playerID> <entityID> | This will spawn the chosen entity next to the player selected. |
spawnsupplycrate | n/a | Spawns a supply crate above the player |
whitelist add <playerID> <permission level> | n/a | Used to add a player to the white list with the desired permission level. |
whitelist remove <playerID> | n/a | Used to remove a player from the white list. |
whitelist update <playerID> <permission level> | n/a | Used to update a white listed players permission level. |