Console Commands


admin add <playerID> <permission level>n/aUsed to add a player to the admin list
with the desired permission level.

admin remove <playerID>n/aUsed to remove a player from the admin list.

admin update <playerID> <permission level>n/aUsed to update a players admin permission level.

aiddebugn/aToggles AIDirector debug output.

ban <playerID> <timeframe>n/aBans a player from the game for the timeframe selected,
allowed timeframes are minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
e.g "ban 175 10 hours" would apply a 10 hour ban to the playerID 175.

chunkcacheccShows all loaded chunks in the cache.

clearn/aclears the command console

cp add <permission level>n/aUsed to add a command to the command permission list,
with the desired permission level.

cp remove <command>n/aUsed to remove a command from the command permission list.

cp update <command> <permission level>n/aUsed to update a commands permission level.

debugmenu [on/off]dmToggles debug menu on or off.

enablescope <on/off>esToggle debug scope.

gameovergoSet the games state to GameOver.

kick <playerID> [reason]n/aKicks a player from the game, reason is optional.

listentsleLists all entities currently in game.

listplayerslpLists all players currently online.

listthreadsltLists all server threads.

memn/aPrints memory information and calls garbage collector.

mod add <playerID> <permission level>n/aUsed to add a player to the moderator list
with the desired permission level.

mod remove <playerID>n/aUsed to remove a player from the moderator list.

mod update <playerID> <permission level>n/aUsed to update a players moderator permission level.

say <message>n/aSends a server message to all connected clients.

settimestSets the current world time.
Hour notation is military time * 1000 (1000 = 1 hour). 
eg. 0 = Day 1, 8h; 8000 = Day 1, 16h; 16000 = Day 2, 0h; 24000 = Day 2, 08h

sounddebugn/aToggles SoundManager debug output.

saveworldsaSaves the 7 Days to Die Server world manually.

setgameprefsgShows a list of preferences that can be changed using the console.

setgamepref <preference> <value>sg <preference> <value>This will change the chosen preference to value selected.

showchunkdatascShows some data relating to the current chunk.

shownexthordetimen/aDisplays the wandering horde time.

shutdownn/aShuts the game down.

spawnairdropn/aSpawns an air drop.

spawnentityseShows a list of entities that can be spawned.

spawnentity <playerID> <entityID>se <playerID> <entityID>This will spawn the chosen entity next to the player selected.

spawnsupplycraten/aSpawns a supply crate above the player

whitelist add <playerID> <permission level>n/aUsed to add a player to the white list
with the desired permission level.

whitelist remove <playerID>n/aUsed to remove a player from the white list.

whitelist update <playerID> <permission level>n/aUsed to update a white listed players permission level.
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